Masks and Gloves Now Required at All Los Angeles County Gyms [Are Towels Next?]
If you choose to head to the gym in Los Angeles County, gym users MUST now wear face coverings (masks) and gloves. Moreover, they are required to wear masks and gloves the entire time that they are at the gym or fitness facility, stated health officials, July 1, 2020.
According to the L.A. County Department of Public Health, “Patrons must be warned to only do exercises to the extent they can breathe comfortably while wearing a face covering over both their nose and mouth at all times.”
Officials did clarify that masks with one-way valves were not allowed because they enable respiratory droplets to escape.
However, health department officials commented that face coverings won’t have to be worn while at gym pools or showers.
These new requirements are a result of the spike in coronavirus infections and hospitalizations California state counties, including Los Angeles County, are experiencing, causing Governor Gavin Newsom to reverse course on various economic sector reopening’s.
As of July 2, 2020, fitness centers can remain open statewide. But be advised, public health officials have updated their requirements for reopening fitness facilities, and now require all gyms to post signs notifying clients about the new rules.
Under previous county heath instructions, only employees and trainers needed to wear masks at all times. A number of gyms within LA county, however, requested users to wear masks when entering, which perhaps influenced the rule change.
Gymgoers that exercise outside do not have to wear masks. This includes activities such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling, or running.
What’s next?
Requiring all gym users to bring work-out towels?
If so, given the need to constantly wipe down, disinfect, and clean gym equipment of germs, sweat, and dust. Perhaps that wouldn’t be such a bad idea. A number of gyms already request patrons to bring or use a towel.
For those who what to improve upon their existing gym towels, getting a Squat Towel would be a wise choice. It's thicker than a standard gym towel which can provide a denser barrier against germs.
Because it SECURES to a barbell, it can also serve as a barrier and cushion when doing squats.
*** Product: Squat Towel (Plus)™ – Wrapped Around Barbell ***
To find out more about Squat Towels, goto
- Masks and gloves now required at L.A. County gyms and fitness centers at all times. By: Nouran Salahieh. Posted: July 2, 2020. Read the original article here:
- Image: Man-in-yellow-protective-suit-stretching_3951375. Photographer: Cottonbro.
- County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, Order of the Health Officer. Reopening Protocol for Gyms and Fitness Establishments: Appendix L. Effective as of Friday, June 12, 2020. Updated: July 9, 2020.
- Squat Towel.